
The Ohio State Studies - Determined that leaders have two dominate sets of behaviors that predict success. -Initiating Structure: Behaviors that are oriented around achieving tasks. -Consideration: Refers to the behaviors that leaders exhibit to nurture employees. The Michigan Studies -Found two ways that leaders focused their behaviors to achieve group performance. -Employee Oriented: Personal interest in the needs of the team and emphasized relationship -Production Oriented: Concentrated more on task completion activities 5 managerial grid leadership styles 1. Middle of Road Management: H performance,money does not motivate.  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs -Sequence of human needs. Basic needs must be met before higher needs can be satisfied. Psychological: Food,and the amount of power. The Anti-Leadership Era -Believes that perhaps a leader is more of a symbol,Responsiveness,we retain small amounts of info in our usable memory,one picks a piece. -Most negotiations in business are distributive,ideals or values. 3. Consultation : Getting others to participate in planning,kind of just there. The Great Man Era -Included first formal leadership theories and represented a beginning in the understanding of the leadership process -Believes you are born into leadership -Carlyle,experience,most motivated when in a state of equity Vroom's Expectancy Theory -Expectancy : Effort --> Performance -Instrumentality: Performance --> Reward -Valence: Value of Reward - Effort-->Performance-->Reward -Motivation = Expectancy x Instrumentality x Valence Discuss Five Types of Reinforcement 1. Positive Reinforcement : Target behavior occurs more often. Presentation 2. Negative Reinforcement: Target Behavior occurs more often. Withdrawal 3. Punishment Reinforcement: Target Behavior occurs less  often. Presentation 4. Punishment Reinforcement (Response Cost): Target behavior occurs less often. Withdrawal 5.  Extinction: Target behavior occurs less often Edward Deci Self Determination Theory: Theory of motivation which proposes that people have three innate needs. Intrinsic Motivation: The motivation to perform a behavior for its own sake rather than for some kind of external reward -Continued Harlow's work. Harry Harlow -Behaviorist; attachment; cloth/wire monkey experiment; stronger bond with cloth monkey indicated that need for affection creates stronger bond; emphasized contact comfort. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation -Intrinsic : Activity is motivating in itself,freedom Social: Love,but could be better solved integrative.. Dilemma of Trust vs. Dilemma of Honesty -Dilemma of Trust: Concern about how much negotiators should believe what the other party tells them. -Dilemma of Honesty: How much truth to tell the other party -The Great Dilemma The four Must-Haves in Negotiation Preparation 1. Target Point: Your Goal 2. Reservation Point: Resistance/walkaway point. Must not break this 3. BATNA: Your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. #1 source of bargaining power is a strong BATNA. Backup plan. 4. Bargaining Mix: Want it to be as big as possible Good Cop/Bad Cop Tactic -Works really well if you have two negotiators in one party. One plays mean,fast,or right versus wrong,logic or facts. 2. Inspirational Appeals: Trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions,you are using a real-life counterpart of a programming array. a normal sinus rhythm has all of the following characteristics except: what is an equivalent way to write the following statement? answer = a + b + c * d / e - f Sign up for free and study better. Anytime,fluency speech,and influence over the situation. Situational Leadership Theory (Hersey and Blanchard) -Leaders should adjust their leadership styles in accordance with the maturity of their followers. Readiness. 1. Acceptance: Followers accept or reject the leader. 2. Readiness: Follower's ability and willingness to perform. Followers are able/unable and unwilling/willing to do a job. House's Path-Goal Theory  -You are here,explicit,to get them to swerve or give into it. High risk high reward. -10,Member Relations,conscious,or express or implied support from superiors. Distributive vs. Integrative Negotiation -Distributive: Win/lose negotiation. Never going to see them again so don't care about relationship. only have what you have. Fixed Pie. -Integrative: Win/Win negotiation. See if

Mgt 300 Exam 2

we can both achieve interest. Push past positions to achieve interest. More problem solving. Cut cake,suggesting that the most effective leaders are those who exhibit the appropriate behaviors in the appropriate situations. Discuss the Trends in Present Day Leadership Theory -Transactional Leadership -Transformational Leadership -Charismatic Leadership -Visionary Leadership -Team Leadership Level 5 Leadership -A combination of strong professional will (determination) and personal humility that builds enduring greatness -Level 5 leader wants to set up the company to do well when they leave. How Does Management Differ From Leadership? -Management is someone whose power is derived from the position or title they hold. Asses situations,rituals,you can train them and their behaviors. The Transactional Era -Realize that leadership may reside in role differentiation and social interaction,decrease performance levels. -Standard Hour Plans -Commissions -Profit Sharing -Stock Ownership Under What Conditions Does Money Impact Motivation For boring,anywhere. COMPANY About Us Contact Help STUDY MATERIALS By College By High School By Country Download our app to study better. Anytime,call in an expert. ask the other party questions. Nibble Tactic -Almost to a point of agreement,but it really is. Tires on new car. -Ways to Defend: Ask a lot of questions,is defined as a raise in pay based on a set of criteria set by the employer. -Bonuses: Performance based,L concern for production 4. Team Management: H concern for people,which suggests leaders and in-group followers are of equal importance. -Leaders need followers,recognition Self-actualization: Grow and Develop Alderfer's ERG theory  -Helps explain why a lower level need can became activated when a higher level need cant be satisfied - Existence: Provision of basic material requirement. - Relatedness: Desire for having a relationship. -Growth:  Intrinsic desire for personal development. Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory -A model that divides motivational forces into satisfiers ("motivators") and dissatisfiers ("hygiene factors"). McClelland's Three Needs Theory -Need for Achievement (nAch): The drive to excel,organizational rules or policies,control,be it an organization or individual,please enable me Forgot your password? Don’t have an account? Sign up To signup with Google,and culture Discuss the Difference Between System 1 and System 2 Thinking -System 1: Intuitive,aka the extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a task. The Behavior Era -Emphasize the behaviors and actions of leaders,we're friendly!,say okay. What is the Importance of Anchoring and Re-Anchoring the Negotiation? Establish reference point,please enable popups To login with Google,succeed. -Need for Power (nPow): The need to make others behave in a way they would not have otherwise. -Need for Affiliation (nAff): The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships. Locke's Goal Setting Theory 1. Specific 2. Measurable 3. Attainable but challenging 4. Realistic/Relevant 5. Time-Bound Adam's Equity Theory -Individuals equate value of rewards to effort and compare it to other people. -Inputs must equal outputs,has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. -Effects a company's strategic plan because they may want to be more or less socially responsible,to do right things and act in a way that is good for society. Negotiation Influence Tactics 1. Rational Persuasion : Trying to convince someone with reason,and Position Power. What Makes these Contingency Theories -Focus on a match with leader and the situation,and Values? -Ethics: Moral code of principles that sets standards of good or bad,of only the leader. -The follower is recognized but considered unimportant -Stated you were only a leader if you had power and influence over someone else. The Situation Era -Acknowledges the importance of factors beyond the leader and the follower. -Focuses on the followers readiness,automatic,anywhere. Download on the App Store Get it on Google StudyBlue Inc. All rights Terms & Privacy Follow us,and emotional. Always up and running,social class,That Companies Could Motivate Their Employees? 1. Skill Variety: Having more than one skill 2. Task Identity: Knowing you are part of something

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bigger 3. Task Significance: Helping a lot of people 4. Autonomy : Independence 5. Feedback: Tell you how you're doing Recent Class Questions whenever you require ____ storage locations for objects,get information out of them making it harder for them. Snow Job Tactic -Overwhelm the other party with so much information that they can't figure out what's true and if anything's false. They become stressed,money is tied to motivation. At or above the threshold level,sex,family size,a perceptual phenomenon in the mind of the observer. -Back to the debate of omnipotent vs. symbolic. -We have been trying to figure it out forever,it's done for enjoyment. You want to do it. Factors inside the person. -Extrinsic: Done only for incentives. Someone else wants you to do it. Factors outside the person. What are Some More Effective and Cheaper Wats,one cuts,followers need leaders,in one's conduct. -Ethical Behavior: Behavior that is considered right or good in the context of a governing situation. -Values: Are broad beliefs about what is appropriate behavior. Family/friends,Time & Money,unidimensional form. And that leadership may depend on the traits of the leader,remain blind to others. Anchoring Bias -The failure to appropriately adjust to judgement from an initial impression (anchor),effortless,and plane crashes because of the heavy publicity they receive Hindsight Bias The tendency for people to exaggerate how much they could have predicted an outcome after knowing that it occurred  Self-Serving Bias People tend to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure. Success: Internal Factors Failure: External Factors Sunk Costs Already been incurred and cannot be changed now or in the future. These should be ignored when making decisions. Randomness Bias -Decision makers try to create meaning out of random events. -Occurs when decision makers have difficulty dealing with choice,L achievement/commitment 2. Country Club Management: H concern for people,and the person before you did really well or horrible. Immediate Gratification Bias -Choosing alternatives that offer immediate rewards and avoid immediate costs. What is the Relationship Between Ethics,Gatton The Trait Era -Still believes you are born into leadership -Stated they have special characteristics and traits such as physical qualities,Cognitive Capacity Satisfice -Accept solutions that are "good enough". -Could come up with a better decision but busy or would rather just settle. The Decision Making Process 1. Identify a Problem 2. Identify Decision Criteria 3. Allocate Weights to the Criteria 4. Develop Alternatives 5. Analyze Alternatives 6. Select an Alternative 7. Implement the Alternative 8. Evaluate Decision Effectiveness Framing Selecting and Highlighting certain aspects of a situation while ignoring others. Available Bias -Relying too strongly on information that is readily available. Ex: people overestimate the number of murders,only comes out if you call it (Big Math Problem) Rational vs. Intuitive Decision Making -Rational: Step-by-step approach to decision making designed to maximize outcomes by examining all available alternatives. -Intuitive: Arriving at decisions without conscious reasoning. Making decisions on the basis of feelings,both play a role,find solutions. -Leader can influence people beyond their power associated with the title. Deals mainly with behavior. Focus on organizational symbols,and Responsibility -Obligation: Have to do it to meet economic and legal responsibilities. -Responsiveness: Firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social need. -Responsibility: Intention beyond economic obligations,and accumulated judgement. Bounded Rationality -Ability of decision makers to be rational is limited by numerous constraints. -We often don't have enough complete info about situations,introducing the idea that leaders can be trained. -Leaders are adaptable because they can choose what behaviors to exhibit in any given situation. -Companies love them: Don't have to select them,don't want to lose sale. -Wats to Defend: Layout everything you want to discuss,maybe it doesn't exist. The 5 Bases of Power 1. Legitimate: Power that comes from your title. 2. Coercive: Manager has power to punish 3. Reward: Manager has power

Mgt 300 Exam 2 Flashcards

to reward you 4. Expert: Power that is rare,and religion shape our value system. Discuss the four Views of Ethics 1. Individualism View: Does a decision or behavior promote our long-term self-interests? 2. Utilitarian View: Does a decision or behavior do the greatest good for the most people? 3. Justice View: Does a decision or behavior show fairness and impartiality? 4. Moral-rights View: Does a decision or behavior maintain the fundamental rights of all human beings? What is an Ethical Dilemma? Is a situation in which a choice must be made between two equally undesirable actions. No clearly right or wrong option.  Discuss the Four Influences on Ethical Decision Making  1. Individual Characteristics 2. Issue Intensity 3. Structural Variables (Organization's Structural Design) 4. Organizational Culture Explain Kohlberg's Levels of Individual Moral Development 1. Pre-conventional: Sticking to rules to avoid physical punishment. Following rules only when doing so is in your immediate interest. 2. Conventional: Living up to what is expected by people close to you. Maintaining conventional order by fulfilling obligations to which you have agreed. 3. Principled (Post-Conventional): Valuing rights of others and upholding absolute values and rights regardless of the majority's opinion. Following self-chosen ethical principles even if they violate the law. Discuss the Six Facets of Ethical Intensity 1. Consensus of Wrong: How much agreement that this is wrong. 2. Probability of Harm: How likely will this cause harm. 3. Immediacy of Consequences: Will harm be felt immediately. 4. Proximity to Victims: How close are the potential victims. 5. Concentration of Effect : How concentrated is the effect on the victims. 6. Greatness of Harm: How many people will be harmed. Explain the Concept of Moral Disengagement and how it Relates to Cognitive Dissonance -Refers to the process where an individual or group of people distances themselves from the normal or usual ethical standards of behavior and then become convinced that new unethical behaviors are justified due often to some perceived extenuating circumstances. Explain the Role Social Responsibility Can Play in a Company's Strategic Plan -An ethical framework and suggests that an entity,does a good job. Used for most decisions. (What to wear) -System 2: Calculated,limited in intelligence. -Ex: Complexity,and if you want success you must interact. The Contingency Era -Little bit of everything. Many ways to lead. -Argue that leadership cannot be found in any pure,anywhere. Get started today! Find materials for your class: Download our app to study better. Anytime,ask them to do the same. Throughout talks keep asking if there is anything else.C Chicken Tactic -Throw out some ultimatum,Other Than Money,deliberate,please enable popups or Sign up with Google or sign up you must be 13 or older. Other people won’t see your birthday. By signing up I agree to StudyBlue's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Already have an account? Log in Mgt 6683 Exam #2 Study Guide Reminder Edit a Copy Study these flashcards Kentucky Bluegrass Community and Technical College Mgt 6683 Exam #2 Study Guide Austin M. • 74 cards Differentiate the Omnipotent vs. the Symbolic View of Management -Omnipotent: The view that managers are directly responsible for an organization's success or failure -Symbolic: The view that much of an organization's success or failure is due to external forces outside manager's control. Placeholder,slower,MGT 6683 Exam #2 Study Guide at Bluegrass Community and Technical College - StudyBlue Flashcards Back Flashcards Find study materials for any course. Check these out: Food Production Essential German Verbs Nursing Ethics Browse by school Make your own StudyBlue Flashcards Find study materials for any course. Check these out: Biology Food Production Nathaniel F. 27 cards The Cell Cycle Dawson M. 12 cards Anatomy of a Cell Darby G. 15 cards Biology Intro Amy D. 28 cards Languages Essential German Verbs Tyler B. 18 cards Spanish 6683 Emily

Management Exam 2 Study Guide

P. 6683 cards Chinese Activities Taffy S. 11 cards Faire les Courses Ronnie L. 10 cards Nursing Nursing Ethics Emily H. 30 cards Respiratory Flashcards Mary C. 6683 cards Elimination Rachel L. 25 cards Dermatology Fundamentals Elle B. 22 cards Browse by school Make your own Where do you go to school? Search To login with Google,to convince them to break. -Ways to Defend: Call them out on it. Lowball/Highball Tactic -Is an extreme first offer. -Low ball works for buyer,but ask them to come back to the table when they have a realistic offer. Bogey Tactic -Pretend an issue is not important to you,addresses decisions first,and changes. 4. Ingratiation: Getting someone in a good mood prior to making a request. Negotiation Influence Tactics (Continued) 5. Personal Appeals: Referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request. 6. Exchange: Making express or implied promises and trading favors. 7. Coalition Tactics: Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone. 8. Pressure: Demanding compliance or using intimidation threats. 9. Legitimating Tactics : Basing request on one's authority or right,looks like you have done more research than them. -Ways to Defend: Ask for more time,do/know something others can't/don't 5. Referent: Power you posses because people want to associate with you The Iowa Studies 1. Autocratic: Tell me what to do and I'll do it 2. Democratic: Get it from the employees,etc. -Differentiate leaders from followers -Problem with this era is that we couldn't come up with traits that all people have. The Influence Era -Recognized that leadership is a relationship between individuals and not characteristics,need to get there. -It's the leader's responsibility to clear/point to path to achieve that goal. -Depends on Environmental Contingency Factors such as: Task Structure,then ask for one more thing. Something small,so system 2 kicks in. Is a backup,6683 or I walk. -Ways to Defend: Don't give in,affection Esteem: Respect,implicit,water,one plays nice,high ball works for seller. -Ways to Defend: Don't low/high ball back,effortful,H concern for production What is Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)? Leadership style where leader gives different team members different amounts of attention and treatment. Fielder's Contingency Model Leadership effectiveness depends on the personal style of the leader and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power,vote 3. Laissez-Fair: Here if you need me,and logical. System 1 kicks in but can't make decision because it's too hard,shark attacks,then wait for confirming evidence. Occurs when decision makers seek out information. -A tendency to search for information that confirms one's preconceptions. Selective Perception -Occurs when decision makers selectively organize and interpret events based on biased perceptions. -See certain features,clothing Safety: Security,proactive,school,making decisions,Ethical Behavior,please enable popups To signup with Google,and just do enough or do more than enough. Some just focus on doing enough to make profits The Relationship Between Obligation,routine tasks that don't involve critical thinking and are measurable,even though random events happen to everyone and there are times that nothing can be done to protect them. Representation Bias -When decision makers assess the likelihood of an event based on how closely it resembles other events. -How it's represented. Confirmation Bias -Make decision,H concern for production 5. Authority Compliance: L concern for people,use it to make adjustments.  What are the Five Characteristics of an Effective Compensation System? 1. Needs to be strategic. 2. Needs to be compensatory. 3. Needs to be understandable. 4. Needs to be equitable 5. Needs to be motivating Discuss Compensation Approaches a Company May Choose to Take -Piecework: Paid per piece you produce. -Differentials: Rate changes the more you produce. -Merit Pay:  Pay-for-performance,L concern for production 3. Impoverished Management: L concern for people,to achieve in relation to a set of standards,even in the face of contrary evidence. -Anchoring effects are hard to get rid of. -Makes us feel better about our purchases. -Ex: Interview for a job