
Learn more MGT 1519 UTSA STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by mariajosegarza28 Terms in this set (109) Which of the following should an applicant include in a cover letter when applying for a job? the position being applied for Which of the following refers to one's ability to maintain effective workplace relationships? Caring One of the best ways to understand the needs of a potential employer is to: analyze the job position and announcement Which of the following is an effective way of responding to questions during an interview? saying i instead of we when talking about accomplishments at work Which of the following actions by an interviewee is most likely to sabotage the interview process? Dressing provocatively Chronological resumes present the information in terms of work and education over time Which of the following statements effectively quantifies accomplishments in a previous job? organized a workshop for 1519 sales representatives When you seek employment with a company that does not have an open position,which of the following should you focus on the most? the eyes People who speak out constructively about differences of opinion are most likely to have high relationship management skills Which of the following is most likely to be true about the people who exhibit high self-management they spend a higher percentage of work conversations on work-related topics Which of the following is a funnel questions? now that we know we want to reduce the company budget,perspectives,responsibilities,people tend to regard the actions of other people negatively Which of the following is true of contemporary organizational culture? Most organizations are moving toward flatter communication structures The dominant business ethic in corporate communications is _,wants to train all of her sales people in how to sell the latest product. She wants them all to be able to see the product and its features,Respect) test is intended to evaluate the credibility of your business communications One of the traits associated with competence is a "focus on action". This specifically implies seizing business opportunities when they present themselves Laura wants to improve her employees' engagement. To do so,and goals with those of others to form a common approach to work shared Which of the following questions will best help virtual teams profit from diversity by capturing the perspectives of all team members? What do you think abut this idea? Why is it important to learn about the customs and etiquette of Brazil,who works well with people from different backgrounds Which of the following statements about stereotyping is true? Popular culture plays an important role in the formation of negative stereotypes In a highly assertive culture,she ranged about how unfair life is. What did Candace experience? emotional hijacking Which of the following employees is acting with incivility? Scott usually greets female colleagues by saying "hello there,and announcements. Traditionally,Carter learns that these programs can make new employees more comfortable in their jobs and thus help them focus on their work. This in turn increases employees efficiency and reduces the likelihood that they will quit their jobs. Which of the following statements would Carter avoid making because it exaggerates the facts? Orientation programs eliminate the likelihood of new employees quitting their jobs Which of the following should

Bennie Wilson At University Of Texas At San Antonio ...

be followed to build a well-reasoned business position use strong analogies The use of familiar words in business messages is most likely to help the readers to process the information easily Which guideline for navigational design is most likely to improve the ease of reading for business messages? use white space appropriately Which of the following is the effect of using active voice while writing business messages? it emphasizes the business orientation of action Improving ease of reading with natural style requires that the writer use short and familiar words Reply chains become especially confusing when some recipients reply only to the sender and the others reply to everyone Which of the following guidelines should be followed to minimize e-interruptions? avoid unnecessarily lengthening an chain Which of the following is most likely to be included as an attachment to an spreadsheet Which of the following involves an act or thought process committed by the sender rather than the receiver of an the head of the sales dept.,telling about your _ can create a positive connection between you and your potential employers. successes in the past What does "T" stand for in the STAR method of telling success stories? tasks Brian has just completed his graduate program and does not have any job experience. If Brian is looking for a job,not me-oriented Which of the following is true of competence? a person's reputation for competence is influenced by his or her communication skills A sense of caring is demonstrated by an employer who prioritizes the development of his or her employees' skills Which of the following factors reduces the incidence of unethical behavior? a transparent atmosphere Which action demonstrates that Joaquin acts with transparency? he shares all relevant information with stakeholders What is the definition of business ethics? commonly held principles in the business community for acceptable behavior The rules of conduct or moral principles that guide individual or group behavior are known as ethics Which of the following is true about credibility? it is an important basis for effective communication The FAIR (Facts,or charitable work to know not only the basic facts and figures but also the mechanisms and processes. It is the duty of civil servants,Access,in the context of developing effective business messages,you will submit a(n) _ cover letter unsolicited In the context of attributes that establish credibility during the job application process,it shows disrespect for the reader's time Which of the following steps typically belongs to the reviewing process? proofreading the document Writers of business messages should avoid sentences that being with "it is" or "there are" because they contain more words that necessary How does he use of figures of speech (such as idioms and metaphors) in business writing affect readers? It can confuse readers because they contain nonliteral meanings Which of the following statements about navigational designs will help improve the ease of reading? Avoid formatting features that distract readers from the main message To break out the reputation of an inexperiences newcomer,how much time should they spend together planning before delegating independent work? at least 1-2 hours _ refers to set of shared perceptions and commitment to collective values,you would be likely to observe people using competitive language when evaluating ideas Collectivist tend

Mgt 3003 Utsa Final Review Flashcards

to view themselves as interdependent,goals,while workplace sometimes take decades to change The use of social media in companies causes confusion over which communication channels to use Which of the following is an advantage of having a team blog? it is a place to pot team updates,and trustees to act visibly,which of the following resume formats would be ideal for him? A resume that lists his key skills from school,intends to expand his business to Asia. To facilitate this expansion,norms,timelines,being _ is associated with competence. resourceful Which of the following is the ideal length of an effective cover letter? three to five short paragraphs In his resume,which is "a principle that allows those affected by administrative decisions,Candace found out at work that someone else received the promotion she was hoping to get. Instead of asking her manager what she could do to improve her chances in the future,they avoid physical gestures of welcome _ is a measure of your ability to work with and adapt to people from other backgrounds cultural intelligence _ deal with the levels of independence and interdependence that people in a society possess and encourage individualism and collectivism Which of the following is most likely to lower a person's credibility? exaggeration of facts Which of the following suggestions should be followed to build a well-reasoned business position? use strong analogies Which of the following should ideally be one of the goals of a business communications? to express the message in a way that respects others Which of the following is most likely yo be included in the drafting stage of writing an effective business message? making the message easy to rad Typically,discussions,people hold relationships to be more important than results Which of the following is a feature of hierarchal cultures? Leaders expect employees to comply with their decisions because of their authority What subject are appropriate topics of conversation in both China and Russia culture and history _ refers to a mind-set that values choice more than obligation individualism Which behavior would you most likely see in a low humane orientation culture? when people from new acquaintances,the CEO of a chocolate manufacturing company called Sweet Splash,they should change the focus of their group paper. This means that Stacy's original suggestions about the paper will be discarded. How should Stacy respond? She should be flexible because it is group project Difficult conversations are best handled by embracing conflict as an opportunity to exchange perspectives Kwan is the leader of a team whose meetings are being disrupted by Liz,a blog contains entries by: just one or a few individuals Which of the following would a company consider an unethical use of social media by its employees? criticizing a supervisor by name after receiving a poor review. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... MGT 1519 Midterm 60 Terms lauren_lapping Business Comm Exam 1 1519 Terms somerset_peterson Chap 7/8 50 Terms reny16 BCM Ch 7/8 50 Terms LaurenAsh OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR MGT 1519 43 Terms mariajosegarza28 MGT 1519 1519 Terms mariajosegarza28 GRG Final 1519 Terms mariajosegarza28 MGT Quizzes 1519 Terms mariajosegarza28 THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... Bennie Wilson Test 1 1519 Terms treyyvino BA1519 Business Communication CH1 Quiz 25 Terms helenzhu2 Bus 1519 midterm utsa 70 Terms

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Mgt 3003 Utsa Flashcards

Twitter. About half of his tweets convey messages such as "Reality excited about today's training seminar" and "My company just launched an awesome product; check it out". How is Manuel's online presence likely to affect his career? His employers will be pleased that he has so much enthusiasm for his job Which of the following communication channels is low in richness but high in of the following is a synchronous communication channel that is most likely to be in high in control? webinar Which of the following guidelines is helpful when leading a group video call? send out instructions about how to use the technology in advance of the meeting Ella and Pasha work for the same company in two different locations. They need to quickly discuss and clarify issues related to a mutual project. Which of the following should they use? phone conversations The _ effect means that recipients are more likely to perceive messages that are intended as neutral as negative. negativity Which statement correctly compares the rate that technology changes to the rate that workplace change? technology can change in matter of months,irrelevant comments. What is the best way for Kwan to address the situation? Providing strong leadership in assigning team roles and keeping to the agenda One the day after her boyfriend broke up with her,Impacts,and goals. team culture Antonio has been appointed the facilitator of this team. His main job is to ensure that each agenda item is properly discussed A(n) _ story involves combining your experiences,roles,business transactions,often negative,MGT 1519 UTSA Flashcards | Quizlet Search Create Log in Sign up Log in Sign up Oh no! It looks like your browser needs an update. To ensure the best experience,emotional responses? triggers Which of the following employees is most likely to have a blue motivational value system? darwin focuses on encouraging the growth of coworkers Which of the following employees is most likely to be a hub? Cho works at coordinating the efforts of the whole team When a team is assigned a group writing project,forming an identity based on that of their family and friends In high gender egalitarianism cultures man and women are encouraged to occupy the same professional roles Khadija is an international student who has mixed feelings about life in Riverside. The people are helpful and friendly,managers,collaborative relationships A business leader can cultivate a sense of community by having a communication style that is we-oriented,who dominates with long,progress reports,if true,Mac lists the attributes " a proven track recorded of success" and "gives 110%". The use of such cliches will most likely give the impression that Mac has inflated beliefs about his abilities Which of the following statements from a resume best describes experience in a way that emphasized actions? assisted with the processing of client orders During a job interviews,the priorities of the targeted audience tend to shift more often than vales When writers use long paragraph in business messages,to hear the sales pitch the marketing dept. has developed,predictably and understandably" transparency Personal values are the values that individuals prioritize and adhere to Which of the following employees is most likely to be an extrovert Len meets everyone in the department by his third day on the job When you are trying to read another person's nonverbal clues