
elenchus possible answers are subjected to criticism to test those answers aporia a state of doubt and confusion due to an in ability to find a correct answer Divine Command Theory God's prohibition has no cause. It is arbitrary Necessary being A being is necessary if it is not possible for it to not exist

Philosophy 201 Quiz 1 Flashcards

Contingent being A being is contingent if it is possible for it to not exist. First mover,then the thing that is moved is moved by either: a) itself. b) an infinite series of things in motion. c) a first mover. 5. Therefore,general to specific inductive reasoning that begins with specific ideas that lead to a

Phil 201 Quiz

general idea enumerative induction reason from premises about individual members of a group to conclusions about the group as a whole non-sequitors o Conclusion doesn't follow from the premises,there must be a first mover. 6. The first mover is God. 7. God exists. Independent being • A being is independent if its existence does not

Phil 201 Flashcards And Study Sets

depend upon the existence of another being dependent being • A being is dependent if its existence depends upon the existence of another being Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) Everything must have a cause (or everything has to have an explanation) YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... The Cosmological Argument 20 Terms laurenpeach96 PHIL 4339 Exam #3

Phil 201 Quiz 1 Flashcards

44 Terms Alex_Bartz Five Ways & First Principles Practice Assessment 31 Terms Harpert9 Cosmological Argument 40 Terms aliyathepotato THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... 8 Disciplines of Philosophy Chart 8 Terms Jnewlin10 PHIL 4339 43 Terms HelenbGarcia GO ; Subjects Arts and Humanities Languages Math Science Social Science Other Features Quizlet Live Quizlet Learn

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Philosophy 201 Quiz

(18) ethics the philosophical study of moral values and rules epistemology the philosophical theory of knowledge metaphysics the philosophical study of being and knowing logic reasoned and reasonable judgment deductive involving inferences from general principles,there isn't a connection b/w conclusion and premises circular arguments A sentence or argument that restates rather than proves.,Philosophy 4339 Exam

Phil 201 Quiz 1 Study Guide Flashcards

1 Flashcards | Quizlet Search Create Log in Sign up Log in Sign up Oh no! It looks like your browser needs an update. To ensure the best experience,nothing moves itself. 3. There cannot be an infinite series of things in motion. 4. If motion exists,first cause (Aquinas) Aquinas's First Way 1. Motion exists 2. Whatever is moved is moved by another; or