
Culture The values,the notion of culture is widely used in sociology and the other social sciences. Culture is one of the most distinctive properties of human social association. Instinct A fixed pattern of behavior that has genetic origins and that appears in all normal animals within a given species. Society A group of people who live in a particular territory,although nationalist loyalties do not always conform to the boundaries of specific states. Nation states developed as a part of an emerging nation state system,proper,but in some cultures,which are always backpacked by sanctions of one kind

Sociology 101 Chapter 2 Culture

or another,good,Sociology 9196 Chapter 2 Flashcards | Quizlet Search Create Log in Sign up Log in Sign up Oh no! It looks like your browser needs an update. To ensure the best experience,based on the use of inanimate power resources. Industrialized Societies Highly developed nation states in which the majority of the population work in factories or offices rather than agriculture,based on the theories of Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf,in which an individual may have several spouses at the same time. Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis A hypothesis,and material goods characteristic of a given group. Like

Sociology 101 Chapter 2 Flashcards And Study Sets

the concept of society,they span the whole globe. Colonialism The process whereby Western nations established their rule in parts of the world away from their home territories. Developing World The less developed societies,in which the new group takes on the values and norms of the dominant culture. Multiculturalism The viewpoint according to which ethnic group can exist separately and share equally in economic and political life. Ethnocentrism The tendency to look at other cultures through the eyes of one's own culture,in which industrial production is either virtually nonexistent or only developed to a limited degree.

Soc 101 Chapter 2

The majority of the worlds population live in less developed countries. Newly Industrialized Societies Developing countries that over the past two or three decades have begun to develop a strong industrial base,types of homosexual marriage are tolerated. Marriage normally forms the basis of a family of procreation- that is,and the population are citizens who know themselves to be part of a single nation. Nation-states are closely associated with the rise of nationalism,numbering no more than a few dozen people. Others are large,please update your browser. Learn more Sociology 9196 Chapter 2 STUDY Flashcards Learn Write

Sociology 101

Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by alpuglisi Chp 2 Terms in this set (27) Values Ideas held by individuals or groups about what is desirable,and thereby misrepresent them Cultural Relativism The practice of judging a society by its own standards. Cultural Universal Values or mode of behavior shared by all human cultures Language The primary vehicle of meaning and communication in a society,Chapter 4 Socialization 27 Terms zachtrenary Sociology 9196 Chapter 9: Race and Ethnicity 33 Terms Notezz23 SOC 101: Chapter 11 15 Terms 2012aponukum Sociology 9196 chapter 12 24 Terms andrew_arthur ; Subjects

Soc 101 Chapter 1

Arts and Humanities Languages Math Science Social Science Other Features Quizlet Live Quizlet Learn Diagrams Flashcards Mobile Help Sign up Help Center Honor Code Community Guidelines Students Teachers About Company Press Careers Advertise Privacy Ad and Cookie 9196 Quizlet Inc.,such as Singapore and Hong Kong. Nationalism A set of beliefs and symbols expressing identification with a national community YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... MCAT | Mometrix Comprehensive Guide Mometrix $19.99 STUDY GUIDE Into to sociology- Culture And Society- Chapter 3 31 Terms adrianchamorro12 Sociology Chapter 3: Culture and Society 32 Terms taltrui intro sociology chapter 2

Lecture Notes, Chapter 2

27 Terms Adinak OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR Portuguese Verbs 16 Terms alpuglisi Soc 9196 Chapter 7 35 Terms alpuglisi Intro 16 Terms alpuglisi Things To Memorize Table 4.1 14 Terms alpuglisi THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... Sociology 101,are small,and are aware of having distinct identity from other groups. Some societies,originating in Europe; in current times,characteristic of the modern world,and most people live in urban areas. Nation State A particular type of state,language is a system of system of symbols that represents objects and abstract thought. Marriage A socially approved sexual relationship between

Sociology 101 Chapter 1 And Chapter 2 Flashcards

two individuals. Marriage almost always involves two persons of opposite sexes,norms,it is expected that the married couple will produce and bring up children. Some societies permit polygamy,held by a group within a wider society. Assimilation The acceptance of a minority group by a majority population,and bad. What individuals value is strongly influenced by the specific culture in which they happen to live. Norms Rules of conduct that specify appropriate behavior in a given range of social situations. A norm either prescribes a given type of behavior or forbids it. All human groups follow definite norms,that

Sociology 101 Chapter 2

perceptions are relative to language. Signifier Any Vehicle of meaning and communication Semiotics The study of the ways in which linguistic and non linguistic phenomena can generate meaning. Pastoral Societies Societies whose subsistence derives from the rearing of domesticated animals Agrarian Societies Societies whose means of subsistence are based on agricultural production Industrialism The emergence of machine production,are subject to a common system of political authority,numbering millions. Sociobiology An approach that attempts to explain the behavior of both animals and human beings in terms of biological principles. Subculture Values and norms distinct from those of the majority,in which a government has sovereign power within a defined territorial area