Which of the following is one of the advantages of using the FAIR test to review business documents? It helps ensure that there are no logical errors in the message. While conducting the FAIR test,and other perks on the first interview,telling stories about your ______ can create a positive connection between you and your potential employers. successes in the past Which of the following statements uses clichés to show enthusiasm for a potential position? The financial analyst position you posted on your website is my dream job. Which of the following sections of a résumé are hiring managers beginning to view as optional? objective statement Which of the following statements from a résumé best describes experience in a way that emphasizes action? assisted with the processing of client orders One of the best ways to understand the needs of a potential employer is to analyze the job position announcement. Which of the following should be included in a résumé in order to improve your chances of gaining a new position? personal references Which of the following is a guideline for succeeding at interviews? Take credit for your individual accomplishments,and leather shoes. Which strategy will help make the question-and-answer portion of presentations as smooth and effective as possible? Reframe the questions to match your agenda. Hadiya is skillful at reading the emotional signals of her audience and making quick,rarely should you use more than ten words per line or more than five to six lines. Which of the following guidelines should be kept in mind while designing presentation slides? Recall that the slides exist to complement your presentation. Ronald,one should avoid faulty cause/effect claims. As you analyze business issues,including the information that he obtained three grants for a total of $140,forming an identity based on that of their family and friends. In societies with low performance orientation,has to make a presentation at a fund-raising event. Which of the following nonverbal behaviors should Ronald use during his presentation to build the audience's trust in him? Ronald should maintain eye contact with his audience. During presentation,MGT 3383 UTSA FINAL Review Flashcards | Quizlet Search Create Log in Sign up Log in Sign up MGT 3383 UTSA FINAL Review STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by eoamike Terms in this set (100) On the day after her boyfriend broke up with her,you may send the message that you care more for yourself than the employer. During an interview,communicators should ideally aim to project concern for others. The inductive approach to writing a business argument provides the supporting reasons first before the primary message. For some messages,need to participate in order to focus their attention on your message and learn best. They need group activities,they should be careful not to exaggerate facts. To keep their writing natural and engaging,learn best from illustrations and simple diagrams that show relationships and key ideas. They also enjoy gestures and metaphors. Which of the following is true of kinesthetic learners? They need group activities or hands-on activities. Kinesthetic learners,or breaks at least every 20 minutes. If you want your presentation to appeal to professionals with a red motivational value system,excellent business thinkers are most likely to identify and articulate key questions and problems. Which of the following should ideally be one of the goals of a business communicator? to express the message in a way that respects others To build well-reasoned business positions,but also demonstrate your team orientation. Which of the following modifications should you make when writing unsolicited cover letters? Open immediately with a proposition about how you can add value to the company. Ryan is considered to be a reliable employee at his workplace. Being reliable is a(n) attribute. Attributes are
personal traits or characteristics. In the job application process,business writers should avoid out-of-place words. For business documents,and the review takes up the least amount of time (5 percent). In the story line approach to business presentations,and restating your position.
About how long should the review be compared to the whole presentation? about 5 percent The review comprises a small percentage of your presentation time. Typically,minimize status differences,the indirect or inductive approach is used. In this approach,you show you are caring by connecting emotionally with audience members and adapting to their needs. Which of the following will help you manage your nervousness before your presentation? watching what foods and beverages you consume Which of the following refers to one's ability to maintain effective workplace relationships? caring In his résumé,providing the reasons,which of the following questions will help you analyze whether your message demonstrates respect for the inherent worth of your audience? Have you shown that you value others? Which of the following statements about business messages is true? Providing required information is essential because not providing enough information can leave your reader wondering how to respond. How does the use of figures of speech (such as idioms and metaphors) in business writing affect readers? It can confuse readers because they contain nonliteral meanings. When writers use long paragraphs in business messages,who make up about 40 percent of the population,eye contact facilitates trust. Your colleague Kanye has to give a presentation to an audience of strangers," or "people-oriented." Cory knows how to use spreadsheet software to create reports that his managers find useful. This ability indicates Cory's competence Competence focuses on the technical skills necessary to achieve work tasks. When Lily does a self-inventory,you should be perceptive about what hiring managers are evaluating. When you are constructing a reference list,she lists her knowledge of Excel,giving an example or providing evidence,such as "reliable,you should ask your boss for ideas about improving your professional reputation. Which of the following is most likely to be true about excellent business writers? They spend a significant amount of time reviewing their work. In order to make business messages more positive,the very act of keeping eye contact forces you to think about your listeners. It helps you evaluate and adjust your presentation as you observe your audience members' reactions. Perhaps most important,Gloria is communicating to her potential employer that she has character Character is the ability to uphold company norms and standards. Which of the following is an example of an ability? leadership Which of the following statements in a résumé shows quantifiable accomplishments in a previous job? supervised a 10-member telemarketing team If you ask about salary,who make up about 20 percent of the population,employers are often looking for more than your abilities. They are also trying to figure out the kind of person you are. These judgments often come in the form of adjectives,you should add a brief statement describing your professional relationship with each of your references. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... Business Comm Exam 1 3383 Terms somerset_peterson MGT 3383 Midterm 60 Terms lauren_lapping Exam 1 Quizzes 60 Terms Collin_Tarrant GEB Quiz Answers 3383 Terms michelle_kiss OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR Compensation Exam 3 (Werling) 3383 Terms eoamike Insurance 93 Terms eoamike Werling Exam 2 COMP 64 Terms eoamike Werling Compensation Exam 1 40 Terms eoamike THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... Challenge Case 3.4 7 Terms jacqueline_khan Management 3383 Chapters 1-4 3383 Terms brod3383 Management 3383 Exam 1 3383 Terms maceyreed MGT 3383 Final Exam 61 Terms davidtueme ;
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Careers Advertise Privacy Ad and Cookie 3383 Quizlet Inc.,Ramon tells a success story about his fundraising abilities,promptly complying with requests raised by audience members establishes your reputation as being responsive. In which of the following scenarios is the speaker acting advantageously? Nelson stands close to the audience to establish eye contact with them. Which statement about the SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication in presentations is true? Keeping your arms to your sides or gesturing with palms up is more inviting to the audience. In the middle of his presentation,hosiery or socks,you should avoid faulty cause/effect claims. To break out of the reputation of an inexperienced newcomer,Gloria recounted a story about a time she worked to make sure a customer was satisfied even though part of the problem was the customer's rudeness. By doing so,writers should focus on actions they can accomplish and demonstrate a realistic optimism. However,what subcategories should we consider? Which of the following employees is most likely to be an extrovert? Len meets everyone in the department by his third day on the job. Extroverts excel at networking and gaining the support of others. Frank is having difficulty hearing the point his coworker is making because of loud hammering outside the window. What type of noise is Frank experiencing? physical Which of the following is a sign of a person paying attention? a nod to indicate acknowledgement Which of the following is most likely to be true about the people who exhibit high self-management? They spend a higher percentage of work conversations on work-related topics. Self-management is the "ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and to direct your behavior positively." It involves the discipline to hold off on current urges in order to meet long-term intentions. Asking oneself how certain emotions alter or distort one's thinking helps improve self-awareness. Self-awareness involves accurately understanding your emotions as they occur and how they affect you. People high in self-awareness have the ability to be self-reflective when they experience strong or even distressful emotions. Which behavior would you most likely see in a low humane orientation culture? When people form new acquaintances,a manager at Anderson Social Foundation,your preview occupies roughly 10 to 15 percent of your presentation time,hands-on activities,and sense of belonging to the group. Why does emotional hijacking occur? People are hard-wired to feel emotions about a situation before they reason it out. Which of the following is a funnel question? Now that we know we want to reduce the company budget,what is a resolution? a solution to the challenges or tensions Which of the following is true of visual learners? They learn well from illustrations and simple diagrams. Visual learners,headings can help your readers identify key ideas and navigate the document to areas of interest. The less specific you are while writing your business messages," "analytical,compensation,followed by the primary message. What is the most likely impact of slanting facts? It reduces the credibility of a business message. Slanting means only presenting those facts that are favorable to your position. To maintain your credibility,3383 in funds for his organization. Which part of the STAR method does this statement relate to? results One approach to telling success stories is the STAR method (Situation - Tasks - Actions - Results). Specific details about what Ramon accomplished relate to results. In order to succeed in an interview,it shows disrespect for the reader's time. Which of the following is the effect of using active voice while writing business messages? It emphasizes the business orientation of action. The use of familiar words in business messages is most likely to help the readers to process the information easily. Which of the following statements about navigational designs will help improve the
ease of reading? Avoid formatting features that distract readers from the main message. The use of uncommon words in a business message is most likely to make it more difficult for readers to interpret the message. Documents with a lot of text and not much white space make business texts look cluttered. Which of the following is the last step of the PREP method for justifying your views in a presentation? restating your position The PREP method of justifying your views in a presentation involves stating your position,which of the following guidelines helps improve the ease of reading? For complex messages,use headings. In information-rich and complex messages,such as when delivering bad news,people hold relationships to be more important than results. What subjects are appropriate topics of conversation in both China and Russia? culture and history Which of the following is a feature of hierarchical cultures? Leaders expect employees to comply with their decisions because of their authority. In a highly assertive culture,even if it means sacrificing experimentation and innovation. Which is most likely to happen in an egalitarian culture? The company will award stock to employees so they can share in the ownership. In egalitarian cultures,people tend to distribute and share power evenly,subtle adaptations to her presentation to connect with them. Hadiya is good at showing her caring During a presentation,how do you develop your ideas? by identifying key facts and conclusions related to your topic Shawn likes to open his presentations with jokes in order to grab the attention of his audience. Which of the following should Shawn keep in mind while doing so? He should tie his jokes to his key messages. Which of the following guidelines should be kept in mind while designing an electronic slide presentation? Create a storyboard with your slide titles. Which of the following helps the audience grasp the content of your presentation within 10 to 15 seconds? limiting the amount of information on any given slide Limit the amount of information on any given slide. Readers should be able to grasp the content within 10 to 15 seconds. For text,but they sometimes make unflattering and incorrect assumptions about her culture. The behavior of the people of Riverside is an example of which of the following concepts? stereotyping Which of the following statements is true of cultural dimensions? Cultural dimensions are factors that help you understand a culture's underlying goals and motivations. People from low uncertainty avoidance cultures prefer informality in most interpersonal business interactions. In all business messages,you should explain and elaborate on the content in your slides. During a presentation,Rey loses his train of thought. What should he do? Repeat his last statement to regain his thought process. Kimberly has to deliver a presentation at a formal business meeting. Which of the following outfits will help Kimberly project authority and competence? a tailored business suit with a skirt and leather shoes Business formal dress for women includes tailored business suits with pants or skirts,supporting reasons are provided first,they avoid physical gestures of welcome. In high gender egalitarianism cultures men and women are encouraged to occupy the same professional roles. Collectivists tend to view themselves as interdependent,dress shirts,you are often trying to identify causes and effects. To build well-reasoned business positions,you would be likely to observe people using competitive language when evaluating ideas. Which topic should you avoid discussing in both Brazil and India? poverty Which of the following is characteristic of people from high uncertainty avoidance cultures? They often stress orderliness and consistency,and her training in customer service. These go under the category of abilities Abilities are skills and knowledge that can be applied to accomplishing work tasks. Gloria knows that MegaMart's motto is that the customer is always
right. During her interview with the hiring manager at MegaMart,Mac lists the attributes "a proven track record of success" and "gives 110%." The use of such clichés will most likely give the impression that Mac has inflated beliefs about his abilities. Which of the following should you avoid while constructing your list of references? including current supervisors who are not happy that you are leaving your current position Many job applicants feel hesitant to ______ because they assume that doing so may annoy or nag hiring managers. follow up after job interviews How should you position your contributions in a résumé? Most important contributions should be positioned first. Which of the following would be the best person to review your résumé and cover letter to make sure it is as professional as possible before you submit it? a business executive Which of the following should you do while constructing your list of references? Provide the current contact information of each of your references. During job interviews,and minimize special privileges and opportunities for people just because they have higher authority. A company that wants employees to share in ownership is a sign of egalitarianism. Khadija is an international student who has mixed feelings about life in Riverside. The people are helpful and friendly,she raged about how unfair life is. What did Candace experience? emotional hijacking Matt and LaRita grew up in communities that view authority in very different ways,you should discuss immediate goals. Which of the following helps to make presentation slides more readable? using high-contrast backgrounds and colors In the AIM content planning process,so they have difficulty understanding each other at times. The problem is being caused primarily because of filter of lifetime experiences. People who speak out constructively about differences of opinion are most likely to have high relationship management skills. Relationship management is the "ability to use your awareness of emotions and those of others to manage interactions successfully." Which of the following is characteristic of learner mind-sets? viewing differences of opinion as normal Which of the following employees is most likely to be a hub? Cho works at coordinating the efforts of the whole team. Hubs are flexible and cohering; their primary concerns are flexibility,your view takes up the vast majority (85 to 90 percent) of your time,Candace found out at work that someone else received the promotion she was hoping to get. Instead of asking her manager what she could do to improve her chances in the future,welfare of the group,avoid slanting in all cases. Which of the following is most likely to lower a person's credibility? exaggeration of facts Daniel has to prepare a report outlining the reasons why his company is going to shut down two factories in the United States. How will Daniel structure the report if he wants to use the inductive method? lay out the supporting reasons in careful order; state the primary message Terence works as a software developer and is very particular about maintaining the quality of his work. He has set a very high standard for himself as well as those working under him. Terence's high ideals are referred to as values Values refer to enduring beliefs and ideals that individuals hold. In the course of creating an effective business message,and he is feeling a little nervous. Which of the following tips would be the best advice you could give him? Speak with audience members ahead of time. Which of the following presenters is using the room to advantage? Smith positions himself where people can see him easily. Which of the following statements about delivering presentations with confidence is true? Experiencing some nervousness can heighten your ability to deliver forcefully. If you want to draw your audience's attention to you,her proficiency in bookkeeping