False The two primary purposes that the writers had in mind when writing their Gospels were... Both A and B __________________ is the major person and theme of the books of the New Testament. Correct Answer: None of the Above The Gospels comprise almost half of the New Testament in terms of percentage. True The New Testament introduces us to the person of Jesus Christ. It connects His claims to the Old Testament messianic prophecies and presents Him as the promised Messiah. True Lukeʼ's Gospel can be characterized as comprehensive,and Luke One problem with interpreting parables is endless allegorical misinterpretations. True The peak of Jesus' popularity was at the time of the 'feeding of the 5,and miraculous signs not found in the other Gospels. According to our text,in the year 33. True The Gospels give us no details about the life of Jesus after the time in the Temple when he was twelve until the time when he is about 30. True The issues related to Jesus' cleansing of the Temple included the selling of sacrificial animals,historical,comes from lack fo precision in interpreting the events chronicled in Acts. False What the author means by "thinking horizontally" in studying the Gospels is that it is helpful to be aware of the Old Testament issues that correlate to the New Testament events? False The "synoptic" gospels are Matthew,BIBL 5708 Study Guide Quiz 6 Flashcards | Quizlet Search Create Log in Sign up
Log in Sign up Oh no! It looks like your browser needs an update. To ensure the best experience,which was forbidden in the Old Testament Law. False One of the last things the disciples ask Jesus' before his ascension to Heaven was about the 'kingdom' Since parables are so simple they generally are not misinterpreted. False According to Fee and Stuart the difference between parable and allegory is minimal False In Jesus' mock trial with Caiaphas Jesus affirmed he was the Messiah? True It is not imperative that today's readers of the Gospels understand 1st century Judaism. False Which Gospel do Stuart and Fee advocate was written first? Mark According to Stuart and Fee very little of the division in the church today,universal,prayer,which means... Good News What is the key verse of Mark's Gospel,and growth of the church YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... New Testament Midterm Review 94 Terms princessrobyn BIBL 5708 Small Mid Term 33 Terms lbroadway1 NT 5708 final 64 Terms eunhyowoo PLUS Theo unit 4 27 Terms Tingle23 OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR Test 1 Biology 5708 Liberty Univ. 48 Terms Newoso7 BIBL5708 - Quiz 8 Study Guide 5708 Terms Newoso7 BIBL5708 Quiz 2 Study Guide 5708 Terms Newoso7 BIBL 5708 Study Guide Quiz 3 93 Terms Newoso7 THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... BIBL5708 - Quiz 6 29 Terms kristensimpson22 Acts of the Apostles 53 Terms hikiganeyubi BIBL5708 - Quiz 7 20 Terms kristensimpson22 BIBL5708 -
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About Company Press Careers Advertise Privacy Ad and Cookie 5708 Quizlet Inc.,and cultural norms into the text as we read them. True The epistles are generally pretty easy to interpret according to the text. False Paul went to Jerusalem in April of 57 to meet James and the church leadership. True The epistles were written primarily to expound theology. False Paul had trouble with the Jews in Thessalonica for... advocating beliefs that were "un-Roman". The books of the New Testament are generally organized into the following divisions: the Gospels,they uniquely express... Christian Truth What characterizes the unique parables found in Luke? They focus on individuals. How does the concept of an opt-repeated oral tradition enter into the Synoptic Problem? All of the above What are some indications that Roman Christians were the original recipients of Mark's Gospel? B and C Who was Luke and what can be known about him? All of the Above How does John's Gospel differ from the Synoptic Gospels? Rather than focusing on what was already written,use of Spiritual Gifts Whom did Paul meet in Corinth in the Winter of 51CE? Aquila and Priscilla Paul wrote two letters to the Thessalonians because many did not believe the 1st letter was from
him. False According to Stuart and Fee why are occasional document sometimes difficult to interpret? We do not know always know the questions or problems of the occasion. Part of the purpose of the second Letter to the Corinthians was to clarify what had happened at on Paul trip to Ephesus. True Romans 14: Teaches we should condemn people who disagree with out interpretations of scripture False The Athenians easily accepted the concept of the resurrection of Jesus. False In Romans 1 Paul basically sums up that everyone is guilty before God of sin. True What distinguished the Jews in Berea was that they evaluated the truth of Paul's teaching by looking at the Old Testament Law and based on this validation they became believers. True Paul change his plans before he wrote 2 Corinthians because the Roman government forbid him to return to Corinth. False The great flaw of common hermeneutics the authors mention include our bringing our own theological heritage,and what does it tell us of the message Mark tries to get across to his readers. Mark 10:45 - Jesus is the Servant Son of God who came to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. Why does John place so much emphasis on believing the gospel? Correct Answer: To convey the dramatic results of believing the truth about Jesus While the New Testament Epistle follow the typical form of first-century letters in the Roman
world,000". True The basic theological framework of the New Testament is __________? Eschatology The likely original audience of the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard were fishermen. False What is the story parables function according to the reading in Stuart and Fee? to call forth a response According to the Harbin text anyone who claimed to be Messiah would have to demonstrate it with evidence consisting of... all of the above The principle of adaptation best explains the discrepancies among the gospels? True Jesus refused to give a sign to the Pharisees when He returned to the region of Galilee because he had already done many great miracles and they still did not believe. True According to Stuart and Fee when Jesus used parables in his teaching he fully intended to be understood. True On keys to understanding parables lies in understanding the mindset of the modern reader. False The Sermon on the Mount is a message about living in the "Kingdom of God". True The most unique term in Matthew's Gospel is the... "kingdom of heaven" (2.5 out of 2.5) Luke's Gospel can be characterized as comprehensive,there are five key ideas in Acts: witnessing,prayer,the Lord's Supper,they uniquely express... NOT sadness. (0 out of 2.5) One of Jesus' favorite literary techniques was the ____. parable. (2.5 out of 2.5) Paul was asking the Corinthians for an offering to give the believers of Macedonia. False Paul got into trouble with
some businessmen in Philippi on the matter of OT Law. False "The Basic Rule" Stuart and Fee mention in approaching the 'meaning of a text' is that the text means what I want it to mean for my own life's situations in the 21st century. False While Paul and Silas were in prison at Philippi their jailer was led to faith in Christ. True What distinguished the Jews in Berea was that they evaluated the truth of Paul's teaching by looking at the Old Testament Law and based on this validation they became believers. True What pattern of evangelism did Paul use in every new city,please update your browser. Learn more BIBL 5708 Study Guide Quiz 6 STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by Newoso7 Survey of Biblical Literature Terms in this set (107) According to the text what three principles were at work in the composition of the Gospels? all of the above Jesus' deeds and sayings were orally prior to the writing of the Gospels. True The context of the book of James was persecution of the early church. True According to the reading in Fee and Stuart,and individualistic. True. (2.5 out of 2.5) The New Testament introduces us to the person of Jesus Christ. It connects His claims to the Old Testament messianic prophecies and presents Him as the promised Messiah. True. (2.5 out of 2.5) Johannine authorship is in line with the
external evidence of church tradition that holds that the author of the Fourth Gospel is John,we should approach it in much the same way that we approached the Gospels. True The Holy Spirit does not play a major role in Acts. False For whom was Matthew initially written? For a group of Christians who were already familiar with the Old Testament. Luke wrote his Gospel to emphasize that Jesus is the perfect Son of God and Savior of all mankind. True The term gospel translates the Greek word euangelion,Holy Spirit,historical,who has the 'leading role' in the book of Acts? The Holy Spirit What is the major hermeneutical difficulty of the Gospels the authors mention? understanding the "Kingdom of God" Paul was converted on his way to Damascus The Harbin text concludes the Crucifixion occurred on April 3,universal,John focuses on events,which one would expect from a former tax collector. True The traditional view throughout most of church history is that Luke was the author of Acts. True ____________________ is the major person and theme of the books of the New Testament. None of the Above The New Testament consists of 27 books that were written in Koine Greek or common Greek. True Jesus is King is the major theme of Matthew's Gospel. True What are some indications that Roman Christians were the original recipients of Mark's gospels? B and C The deity of Christ is not a major focus in John's
Gospel. False According to our text,he never actually made it to Rome. False. (2.5 out of 2.5) ______ is the major person and theme of the books of the New Testament. none of the above. (2.5 out of 2.5) While the New Testament Epistles follow the typical form of first-century letters in the Roman world,Holy Spirit,some scholars date the Gospel of Mark to AD85. False Witnessing is a major theme in the book of Acts. True The author of Matthew shows unusual familiarity with money and coins,Mark,the Letters,including Ephesus? He would go to the Jews first via the local synagogue According to Stuart and Fee why are occasional document sometimes difficult to interpret? We do not know always know the questions or problems of the occasion. Paul was the only survivor of the ship wreck off of Malta. False Mark wrote his Gospel with a Gentile Roman audience in mind. True The New Testament introduces us to the person of Jesus Christ. It connects His claims to the Old Testament messianic prophecies and presents him as the promised Messiah. True Per our textbook,and what does it tell us of the message Mark tries to get across to his readers. Mark 10:45 -‐‑ Jesus is the Servant Son of God who came to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. How does the concept of an opt-‐‑repeated oral tradition enter into the Synoptic Problem? all of the above
Although Paulʼ's travels were extensive,and individualistic. True One of Jesusʼ' favorite literary techniques was the_________. parable What are some of the unique features found in Mark? Mark is written in typical narrative prose. The deity of Jesus Christ is not a major focus in Johnʼ's Gospel. False The most unique term in Matthewʼ's Gospel is the.... "kingdom of heaven" Gentile Romans were the original recipients of Markʼ's Gospel. True Since Acts is narrative,the son of Zebedee. True. (2.5 out of 2.5) Jesus is King is the major theme in Matthew's Gospel. True. (2.5 out of 2.5) The deity of Jesus Christ is not a major focus in John's Gospel. False. (2.5 out of 2.5) Although Paul's travels were extensive,there are five key ideas in Acts? witnessing,church traditions,church,and growth of the church. One of the reasons Paul writes the letter to the Romans... All of the Above There was once a riot in Jerusalem when it was falsely assumed Paul brought a Gentile into the Temple. True On Christian liberty Paul concluded in 1 Corinthians that there are no limits in Christ? False Paul's conclusions on the issue of marriage as discussed in 1 Corinthians concluded that marriage was only for people who were not in ministry. False Since it is in the NT Israel is not an issue in the book of Romans. False What were the issues of worship that Paul addressed in 1 Corinthians? role of women,and throughout history,church,the Acts of the Apostles,and the Revelation. What is the key verse of Markʼ's Gospel,discourses