
MGT 9359 EXAM 2 82 Terms Collin__77 Management: A practical introduction chapter 5 30 Terms Kristen_Lewis9359 MGT 9359 EXAM 3` 38 Terms jonathan_weir Management: A practical introduction chapter 6 34 Terms Kristen_Lewis9359 ; Subjects Arts and Humanities Languages Math Science Social Science Other Features Quizlet Live Quizlet Learn Diagrams Flashcards Mobile Help Sign up Help Center Honor Code Community Guidelines Students Teachers About Company Press Careers Advertise Privacy Ad and Cookie 9359 Quizlet Inc.,measurable,and generation of alternatives Reinforcing Engine A system behavior indicative of growth coupled with an unintended consequence in another part of the system Representative Bias Generalizing from too small a sample size Risk The degree to which the outcomes of an alternative can be predicted Satisficing Choosing an acceptable solution rather than an optimal solution Symptomatic Effects Observable behaviors related to underlying casual variables Systematic-based Analysis A method of analyzing a problem that takes into account the array of all known variables associated with a problem and its symptoms,relevant,also called a code of ethics Principle-based Management A management style in which an organization proactively connects values and beliefs to the behavior expectations,Ferrell,previous experience,please update your browser. Learn more MGT 9359 Exam 2 STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by PBujanda Terms in this set (80) Ethics The moral principles,or organization to accomplish Means-end Chain An integrated series of goals in which the accomplishment of lower level goals contributes to the achievement of higher-level goals Goal Commitment The motivation and determination needed to achieve a goal Management by Objectives (MBO) A method of

Management Exam 2 Study Guide

management in which management and employees agree to specific goals that are then used to evaluate individual performance Action Plan The specific actions,and existing knowledge Nominal Group Technique (NMT) A group decision-making process in which individuals rate proposed solutions and the total tally determines the final decision Nonprogrammed Decision A decision based on reason and/or intuition in response to a unique situation that requires a tailored decision Optimum Decision The best possible decision given all the needed information Policy-based Analysis A method of problem analysis that isolates the variables in a system that can truly be addressed through management intervention Prior-hypothesis Bias Basing decisions on beliefs or assumptions despite evidence to the contrary Production Blocking A loss in productivity during a brainstorming session because individuals are overwhelmed by the number of possibilities being generated Programmed Decision A decision based on preestablished rules in response to a recurring situation Reasoned Judgement A decision based on extensive information gathering,and beliefs that govern group or individual behavior according to what is right or wrong and what contributes to the balanced good of all stakeholders Ethical Dilemma A situation in which no choice is entirely right Preconventional Stage An individual's moral decisions is based primarily on self-protection or self-interest Does things based on rewards/punishment Conventional Stage An individual's moral decisions is based primarily on societal norms What is expected of them Postconventional Stage An individual's moral decisions is based primarily on what he or she believes is good for society as a whole Based on their moral judgement Societal Norms Society's expectations about

Mgt 300 Exam

how people should behave Values-based management A management style in which the company's culture affects employee behavior in ways that are consistent with the organization's mission and values Stakeholders individuals or groups who have a direct interest in n organization's behavior and experience the effects of the company's management decisions Externality A cost (negative) of benefit (positive) that occurs beyond the direct exchange between an organization and its stakeholders Escalation An increase in an organizational behavior as a direct response to a competitor's behavior Global Level of Ethics The principles,including required and prohibited behaviors Commitments Self-defined principles unique to an organization or individual Adaptive Management An approach to decision making that requires managers to use critical thinking,and individuals and seeks a satisficing rather than an optimum solution Ambiguity Information about the situation,such as a contract or verbal agreement Imperfect Duties Moral obligations that can be interpreted in different ways Rights The behaviors you can expect from others based on their duties Standards of Excellence An organization's highest expectations of behavior for all employees,goals,which allow managers to track progress toward metrics and goals immediately Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) Measurements that managers identify as vital to the company's performance YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... Management - Principles and Applications | Bierman,MGT 9359 Exam 2 Flashcards | Quizlet Search Create Log in Sign up Log in Sign up Oh no! It looks like your browser needs an update. To ensure the best experience,achievable,and rationality of the decision maker Delphi Technique A method of decision making in which a group of experts propose and

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question ideas until a consensus is reached Dialectical Inquiry A method of decision making in which a proposal and a conflicting counter proposal are given equal consideration Groupthink A usually unconscious mode of group decision making in which individuals prioritize agreement over analysis Heuristics A set of informal rules used to simplify and expedite the decision-making process Illusion of Control Overestimating one's ability to control events and activities Intuitive Decision A decision based on feelings,and available information Brainstorming Creating as many alternatives as possible,careful analysis,and time-bound Long-term Plan A plan that covers time periods of a year or more and is used to achieve future goals Business Plan Plans that interpret an organization strategy into a market- or community-based opportunity for division or departmental managers Budget The quantitative part of a plan that allocates available financial resources Policy A standing plan that describes how an organization and its members should respond to recurring or anticipated situations Rules and Regulations Formal descriptions of how specific actions are to be carried out Standing Plan Plans designed for repeated use in response to commonly occurring events Procedure A standing plan that provides the specific steps to be taken as part of a recurring process or in response to a recurring situation Options-based Planning A method of planning that preserves flexibility in contexts of uncertainty by investing in several alternative plans Distal Goals Primary or long-term goals Proximal Goals Short-term goals that increase individuals' ability to reach distal goals by providing motivation and feedback Stretch Goals A goal that is almost unattainable and

Mgt 300 Exam 2

requires the full capacity of an individual,or criteria that is incomplete or can be interpreted in multiple ways Balancing Correction A system behavior in which long-term problems are created through short-term fixes Bounded Rationality Rational decision making that is limited by time,values,sufficient time,Ferrell AcademicMediaPremium $11.99 STUDY GUIDE BUSA 9359 Exam 2 chapters 6-7,time,people,manager,values,and reflection skills to make non-programmed decisions Administrative model A model of decision making that recognizes the limits of information,including behavior over time Uncertainty A situation in which a decision maker does not know all the alternatives and their outcomes Underlying Causes The behaviors that lead to a desired or undesired symptomatic effect S.M.A.R.T Goals Goals that are specific,and beliefs that are widely considered universal Legal Principle Making decisions that follow both the letter and the spirit of the law Individual Rights Principle Making decisions that do not infringe upon the rights of other people Virtuous Principle Making decisions that you would be publicly proud of Long-term Principle Making decisions that support the long-term interests of yourself and your organization Community Principle Making decisions that contribute to the strength and well-being of the community Utilitarian Principle Making decisions that provide the greatest good to the greatest number of people Distributed Justice Prinicple Making decisions that do not harm those who are already disadvantaged Code of Conduct An organization's guidelines for ethical behavior,collaboration,without making value judgements about any idea Certainty A situation in which a decision maker knows all the alternatives and their outcomes Classical Model A normative model of decision making that leads to an optimal decision,assuming full availability of information,team