Learn more PHIL 2041 EXAM 1 STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by william_alonso2 Terms in this set (49) Philosophy Love of Wisdom Philo Love (strong affection) Wisdom Knowledge applied Normative Claim "Something we should be doing" Critical Examination Analytical Clarification What does this mean? Justification is it true Evaluation what is its significance and value ? Foundational Belief Central beliefs to our overall worldview,that we don't think about
Knowledge Justified True Belief Presupposition beliefs that we normally do not question,Starting,but usually hold true Philosophical Mindset approach to life that involved the critical examination of our beliefs to ascertain what they mean Worldview
explanation and interpretation of the world and application to that view to life Epistemology Study of knowledge Axiology Values Asthetics Study of beauty History of Philosophy
study of the historical development of philosophy .It traces philosophy from its beginnings
with the ancient Greeks through the Medieval and Rennaissance periods all the way up to the contemporary period. Philosophy of History
critically examining the principles and assumptions that historians use in doing history. This is an example of philosophy (a second-order discipline) studying the foundations of a first-order discipline (history). Theological existence of Supernatural Anthropological Being Human Ontological existence itself Three elements to Biblical Mandate Recognize Construct Refute ACTS 17 noble to check
1 Peter 3:15 defense for belief Col 2 deceptive and hollow (like my ex-girlfriend) methods of justification Fideism- purely on faith; no reason Strong Rationalist- needs to prove a point Critical Rationalist- willing to admit they're wrong Empiricism Knowledge begins in the senses Polemics keeps Christianity internally pure Ethics is there a right or wrong? Apologetics shows attacks are false Fortitude adversity involved Diligence continuing a hard task Virtue enhances a person Vice
Diminishes a person Political Philosophy ethics for society Jurisprudence study and theory of law Scientific Realism purpose of science is to give truthful explanation/understanding of the world Instramentalism common version of scientific antirealism; purpose of scientific theories is to function as a way of explaining Socrates "Unexamined life is not worth living" Five General Reasons Philosophy is important 1. Understanding life 2. Beliefs 3. Clarification 4. Arguing 5. Expands Minds Tertullian Quote "What
hath Athens to do with Jerusalem" Branches of Philosophy Epistemology: Axiology: Ethics Aesthetics Metaphysics: Cosmological (origin/reality) Theological (supernatural) Anthropological (human) Ontological ( Epistemic Obligation task of critical examination of life Internal Consistency necessity of beliefs in Worldview External Comprehensiveness worldview needs to be able to account for new facts that come up Hermeneutics science of Biblical interpretation Myth of Neutrality its a myth to abandon all pre-existing beliefs Proof-texting citing scripture as an
argumentative resoponse without adding explanation Epistemic Humility required when interpreting Biblical passages YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... Philosophy 2041 Test 1 71 Terms christina_russell30 Philosophy 201_Exam 1 78 Terms bailey35 Philosophy 2041 Test #1 - LU Forman - Spring 2041 91 Terms ecwilson15 Philosophy 2041 Lesson 1 26 Terms lauren_hodges2 OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR Engine Electrical Systems Quiz 5 21 Terms william_alonso2 Engine Electrical Systems Quiz 6 19 Terms william_alonso2 Electrical,PHIL 2041 EXAM
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