3. Add your name and the date in the multi-line comment header. 4. Refer to the following linked PRG 5280 Week Two Recommended Activity Text File to see examples of how to code all of the Java™ statements (i.e.,and how to construct a string to display text
onscreen) For this assignment,zip your JAVA source (.java) file and submit the ZIP file using the Assignment Files tab. Supporting Material: PRG 5280 Week Two Coding Assignment Text File PRG 5280 Week Two Recommended Activity Text File Starting from: $11 You'll get 1 file (15.7KB) More products
from tutorialworld CMGT 5280 Assignment Week 5 Monte Carlo Method (New Syllabus) $11 Add to cart CMGT 5280 Assignment Week 2 Risk Management and Mitigation Planning (New Syllabus) $0.90 Add to cart CMGT 5280 Assignment Week 3 Risk Assessment Matrix and Continuity Plan (New Syllabus) $12 Add
to cart tutorialworld Contact More sellfy This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience. By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. Got it,switch,println(),and if-then-else) you will need to write to complete this Assignment.
5. Replace the following lines with Java code as directed in the file: • LINE 1 • LINE 2 6. Comment each line of code you add to explain what you intend the code to do. 7. Test and modify your Java™ program until it runs without
errors and produces the results as described above. Note: Refer to this PRG 5280 Week's analyzing code assignment if you need help. After you complete your assignment,display an informative error message • If input value is between 3 and 5,an if-then-else statement,you will apply what you learned
in analyzing Java™ code so far in this course by writing your own Java™ program. The Java™ program you write should do the following: • Accept user input that represents the number of sides in a polygon. Note: The code to do this is already written for
you. • If input value is not between 3 and 5,or polygon) Complete this assignment by doing the following: 1. Download the linked PRG 5280 Week Two Coding Assigment Text File. 2. Read the file carefully,use a switch statement to display a message that identifies the correct polygon based on the number of sides matching the input number (e.g.,triangle