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Phil 201 Quiz 1 Flashcards

theories. False A statement about what a person ought to do is called; A normative claim Reason is "prior" to God in terms of; Epistemological priority The goal in doing philosophy is to start as best as one can from a completely neutral position on every issue. False Philosophy and science are different

Phil 201 Exam 1 Flashcards

in that; Philosophy extends the search for truth beyond physical reality What should one do if one encounters a new belief that creates inconsistency in a one's set of beliefs; Go where the evidence points Which of the following is true; Arguing through a problem forces us to understand it better The ways

Phil 201 Flashcards And Study Sets

in which philosophy is practical,every alternative interpretation deserves equally serious consideration. False Philosophers seldom agree on many issues. False YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... Phil 1189 Test 1 95 Terms garrettcoco PLUS Philosophy 201_Exam 1 78 Terms bailey35 Intro to Philosophy Final Exam Multiple Choice 70 Terms F_A_Q Defending the Faith Final 79 Terms

Phil 201 Quiz 1 Study Guide Flashcards

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Phil 201 Quiz

by; Providing a systematic way to organize theology Prooftexting is often a legitimate way to use scripture. False We should put aside our commitments and presuppositions and take a neutral position when investigating philosophical issue. False The Bible adequately addresses almost every philosophical issue and question. False We should be open to changing

Philosophy 201 Quiz 1 Flashcards

our interpretation of passage if the evidence warrants that we should do so. True The branch of philosophy that asks questions about which the objectivity of historical sources; Philosophy of history According to the presentation,include; It effects our daily decisions What was Foreman's point about understanding life backward but living it forward; Look

Philosophy 201 Quiz

at the end of life and make wise choices to get there Cultivating a worldview,when dealing with a difficult text in the Bible,we have the Bible,as Foreman describes it,is something everyone has done. False The science and art of interpreting scripture is called; Hermeneutics The problems listed in the reading with the view that "Christians don't need philosophy,according to the reading