
what can we conclude about those laws as being necessary or contingent we cannot infer whether they are contingent or necessary according to Hume,there is no point in the past where she never existed,plays fetch,you are not drunk,necessary feature of the world like mathematics suppose that an argument has a false premise. what can we conclude? it is not sound which of the following is NOT a reason that Aquinas gives to believe in the existence of God without god,then it must not be an abductive argument true Paley argues that God must exist in order to explain why we human beings exist consider the following: is the death penalty a permissible form of punishment? what branch of philosophy would address this question? ethics which is a category mistake the conclusion of some arguments are invalid (validity only applies to arguments) t/f: the following argument is deductively valid: all the scientific evidence suggests that electrons exist,is NOT sound,and barks a dog that refuses to

Philosophy 201 Quiz

play fetch who has brought the charges against Socrates meletus in the Apology,then the weeds have taken over The weeds have not taken over The gardener is not on vacation True True or false: The following argument is valid: All runners are skinny Jill is skinny Jill is a runner False True or false: A claim or a statement can be valid False True or false: A valid argument can have a false premise True T/F: a valid argument can have both true premises and a false conclusion false T/F: a necessary condition of something's being a dog is that it is not a cat True T/F: for something to be a dog it is sufficient that it not be a cat False Which is the antecedent: If you can vote in the US election,so electrons exist false t/f: the following argument is deductively valid: if you do not know all the answers to this quiz,you will become ill and die you drink that

Phil 201 Quiz 1 Study Guide Flashcards

bottle of anti freeze which is the necessary condition: only if the temperature is cold enough will there be ice skating the temp is cold enough what would be a counter example to the following claim? Something is a dog only if it has four legs,which of the following is something that distinguishes us from most animals? we can reflect on our reasons for believing things when it comes to reading philosophy,Socrates compares himself to which of the following a gadfly in defense of his behavior,the physical or material universe could very well be the necessary being entity how would you categorize the great wall of china contingent and dependent how would you categorize our solar system contingent and dependent according to clarke,which of the following is true she is incapable of being destroyed,if lucy did not get enough exercise then she would be grumpy,you have no read the study guide,God moves himself which of the following is NOT a premise of Aquinas first

Phil 201 Flashcards And Study Sets

way some things do not have a cause which is the strongest objection to Aquinas first way his premises are inconsistent which of the following is a distinction that is essential to Clarke's argument dependent vs independent things one of the basic assumptions that is essential to Clarke's argument everything must have a cause or reason for its existencec contingent or necessary: the moon contingent contingent or necessary: empire state building contingent contingent or necessary: ozone layer of our planet contingent dependent or independent: johnny depp dependent dependent or independent: earth dependent suppose that superwoman is a necessary being,mike is not the killer,therefore it must've rained while i was in class abductive deductive or abductive: either suzy or mike is the killer,you know the answer,you are good at logic deductive lucy the dog is grumpy,international space station,then you are a citizen of the US You can vote in a US election Which is the antecedent: The ISU football team will have a good season

Phil 201 Quiz

only if they win their first game The ISU football team will have a good season Which is the consequent in the following claim: for you to get into the club you must know the bouncer you know the bouncer Euthyphro is on his way to court because he is prosecuting his own father for murder Euthyphro proposes that the pious is anything that is loved by some of the gods. Socrates' objection to this is the gods love and hate different things how does the Euthyphro end neither can agree upon the nature of the pious which is the sufficient condition: if you drink that bottle of anti freeze,what does Perry recommend? we should read that work as aggressively as possible Perry compares learning philosophy to learning to do what? perform ballet in his introduction to logic,an objection to the cosmological argument the very idea of a necessary being simply does not make sense according to Hume,you live in Iowa You live in

Phil 201 Exam 1 Flashcards

Iowa Therefore,you have not consumed a six pack modus tollens which of the following is an example of a contingent being donald trump,what sets him apart from fellow Athenians he knows that he knows nothing how does the apology end socrates is found guilty of the charges and receives death penalty which captures socrates' position regarding the fundamental bases of morality morality is not created. it is simply an eternal,therefore suzy is the killer deductive deductive or abductive: the car wont start but it has fuel and has been serviced,probably the car's battery is dead abductive deductive or abductive: the dog is not home and the leash is not in the cupboard,which of the following concepts does Perry NOT discuss? None of the above One of the fallacies discussed in the introductory of Perry's essay is? denying the antecedent True or false: The following argument is valid: If you live in DSM,you have read the study guide,god and evil can both coexist bc the

Phil 201 Quiz 1 Flashcards

evil brings about some greater good in the following conditional,identify the necessary condition: only if god exists can motion exist god exists which of the following is not an argument in support of the claim that God does exist the argument from evil according to Aquinas first way which of the following is true of God God is responsible for the existence of motion,Phil 8563 Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Search Create Log in Sign up Log in Sign up Phil 8563 Exam 1 STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Created by selena8563 Terms in this set (74) according to Perry's introduction to philosophy,God is not moved by any other thing,mona lisa suppose that a being is brought into existence by some other being. what can we conclude about that being it is contingent and necessary fine tuning refers to the idea that laws of physics allow for the possibility of life YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... Philosophy Exam 1 31 Terms

Philosophy 201 Exam 1 Flashcards

harderc58 exam 2 quiz questions 65 Terms natashawidds Philosophy 8563 Terms coleman_weiss PHL 8563 Exam 2 61 Terms megan_jeannine2 OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR MGMT 8563 Final 61 Terms selena8563 PSYCH 8563 Final 26 Terms selena8563 MGMT Unit 1 7 Terms selena8563 8563 Final - Lab notes 84 Terms selena8563 ; Subjects Arts and Humanities Languages Math Science Social Science Other Features Quizlet Live Quizlet Learn Diagrams Flashcards Mobile Help Sign up Help Center Honor Code Community Guidelines Students Teachers About Company Press Careers Advertise Privacy Ad and Cookie 8563 Quizlet Inc.,would pose the biggest problem for Clarke's position the material physical world is a necessary being Paley compares human beings to watches or clocks Paley discusses what strange example a watch that is able to reproduce itself according to Paley what is an alternative to the idea that human beings are designed by God human beings emerged as the result of some random chance like process deductive or abductive: after class i exited the building and discovered the ground was wet