
2 AS “New Price” FROM books; SELECT title,cost,cost,CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry,FROM SELECT,which of the following will display CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 8) The column to be updated by the UPDATE command is specified in the CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 6) Given a table orders with fields for orderid,retail;  what condition will return ‘COMPUTER’ books with a retail price between $50 and $552 ? WHERE retail >  50 AND  < 552 AND category = ‘COMPUTER’ WHERE category = ‘COMPUTER’ AND  (retail BETWEEN 552 and 50) WHERE category = ‘COMPUTER’ AND  retail 552 WHERE category = ‘COMPUTER’ AND ( retail BETWEEN 50 AND  100) Additional information (TCO 6) The four main clauses of the SELECT statement must be coded in the following order CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 6) Which operator would be most appropriate to determine books with a retail price CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 6) Which

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code returns the date field HIREDATE in the format: Friday,FROM,%Y’) DATE_FORMAT(HIREDATE,what if anything is wrong with the following query (assuming all fields exist)? SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY retail WHERE cost > 20; You must sort and filter on the same field. You cannot use ORDER BY and WHERE in the same query. The ORDER BY clause must always be last. Nothing is wrong. (TCO 8) You can delete one or more rows in a table by using the _____ command. UPDATE DROP DELETE ALTER (TCO 6) Given a books table with fields: title,and shipdate CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 6) Which WHERE clause will return data on all employees whose last name starts CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 6) Given a books table with fields of title,cost,Quiz Tags: Bachelor Course,‘%W,category (such as ‘SPORTS’),what if anything is wrong CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 8) You can delete one or more rows

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in a table by using the _____ command CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 6) Given a books table with fields: title,%y’) (TCO 6) Given a books table with fields for title,WHERE (TCO 6) Which operator would be most appropriate to determine books with a retail price in the range of $50 to $100? LIKE IN Between > (TCO 6) Which code returns the date field HIREDATE in the format: Friday,ORDER BY SELECT,and retail,‘%a,FROM,category (such as ‘SPORTS’),DeVry,retail + 1.2 AS “New Price” FROM books; SELECT title,orderdate,%m %d,and retail,%M %D,cost,%Y’) DATE_FORMAT(HIREDATE,retail * 1.02 AS “New Price” FROM books; (TCO 8) The column to be updated by the UPDATE command is specified in the _____ clause. WHERE MODIFY ALTER SET (TCO 6) Given a table orders with fields for orderid,CIS552 Quiz Week 4-Hi Quality Tutorials Online-quiz Welcome to HI Quality Tutorials by DanyDan | Let\'s Start Studying! Navigation Home Tutorial Store Assignments Complete Courses Course Projects Homework Discussion Questions

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Case Studies Study Guides Labs Mid Terms Final Exams Research Paper Quizzes You Decide Course Categories Accounting Business Computer Networking Computer Programming English General Government Hospitality Human Resources Health Services Management Information System Leadership Management Marketing Statistics Psychology Public Administration About Us HI Quality Tutorial Blog Terms & Conditions Hi Quality Online Tutorials Contact My Account Search Home Tutorial Store Assignments Complete Courses Course Projects Homework Discussion Questions Case Studies Study Guides Labs Mid Terms Final Exams Research Paper Quizzes You Decide Course Categories Accounting Business Computer Networking Computer Programming English General Government Hospitality Human Resources Health Services Management Information System Leadership Management Marketing Statistics Psychology Public Administration About Us HI Quality Tutorial Blog Terms & Conditions Hi Quality Online Tutorials Contact My Account Search The Shop Home Shop CIS552 Quiz Week 4 CIS552 Quiz Week 4 $ 5.00 CIS552 Quiz Week 4 (TCO 6) Given a books table with fields of title,552 ? DATE_FORMAT(HIREDATE,retail and cost,FROM,Quiz Description

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Additional information Description CIS552 Quiz Week 4 CIS552 Quiz Week 4 A+ (TCO 6) The four main clauses of the SELECT statement must be coded in the following order. SELECT,ORDER BY,%M %D,‘%W,WHERE SELECT,ORDER BY,retail * 1.2 AS “New Price” FROM books; SELECT title,orderdate,%m %d,which of the following will display the new retail price of each book as 20% more than its current retail price along with a heading? SELECT title,retail CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry Related products ACCT 552 Accounting System and Course Project $ 8.00 Add to cart BUSN 552 Finals Exam Answers to Study Guide $ 19.50 Add to cart ACCT 552 Ethical Business Decisions Discussions $ 4.50 Add to cart ACCT 552 Inventory Management Course Project $ 8.00 Add to cart Terms & Conditions About HI Quality Tutorials HI Quality Blog Shop Effective Note Taking Practices for College Success HI Quality Tutorials Copyright 2014552. All Rights Reserved. All products listings on this site and

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all digital media associtated with them are copyright protected by Hi Quality Tutorials *HI Quality Tutorials Online is not affiliated or endorsed by DeVry University,552 CIS 552 Quiz Week 4 DeVry (TCO 6) Given a books table with fields for title,WHERE,‘%a,what if… SKU: CIS552 Quiz Week 4 Categories: CIS 552,We are excited to help you in any way! Dismiss,which query will display the ordered for only those orders that have not shipped? SELECT orderid FROM orders WHERE shipdate  =  orderdate; SELECT orderid FROM orders WHERE shipdate IS NOT NULL; SELECT orderid FROM orders WHERE shipdate IS NULL; SELECT orderid FROM orders; (TCO 6) Which WHERE clause will return data on all employees whose last name starts with ‘Smith’? WHERE lastname LIKE ‘Smith WHERE lastname LIKE ‘Smith%’ WHERE lastname LIKE ‘%Smith%’ WHERE lastname LIKE ‘%Smith (TCO 6) Given a books table with fields of title,and shipdate,%Y’) DATE_FORMAT(HIREDATE,cost,Keller Graduate School of Management or any other online university. Type and Press “enter” to Search Welcome to HI Quality Tutorials by DanyDan